Analysis: Nothing Gold Can Stay


I love this poem. Although it’s short, it’s simplicity makes it’s use of imagery and language so elegant. I believe the meaning of nothing gold can stay by Robert Frost is the idea that nothing lasts forever. In time love fades, living things die and situations are constantly changing. Right away we become aware of the setting from the first line “nature’s first green is gold.” From this line the imagery paints an idea of lush green forests in springtime. It’s probably springtime because spring is a symbol of leaves changing to green and before leaves turn green they are a yellowy gold. I love the personification of nature’s ability to hold the color gold in the line “her hardest hue to hold”, which he says is the hardest for nature to maintain. In my head I see nature reaching her hand out and having gold paint slip through the grip of her hands. The window of time that the leaves are golden is small and for most is easily missed. Another message could be that a stimulus that is more salient has the tendency to over shadow other ones. For example when spring comes to mind most people automatically see green because it is so overpoweringly obvious and common, however this phenomenon makes it possible for other small important details to be overlooked and underappreciated. It’s probably not until something small is pointed out by others that we start to acknowledge it. Even after reading this poem I will probably find myself staring at changing colors in plants around us and possibly trying to find the gold in nature. The next two lines continue to add to the idea of inevitable time. The fact that flowers appear early in spring but don’t last long as their petals fall due to wind, and and death and after the beautiful flower has fallen the leave returns to just its simple self, a leave again. The line “Eden sank to grief” is a biblical reference to when Adam and Eve were banned from the garden of eve after she ate the forbidden fruit, which resulted in grief and punishment for them and their decedents. The second to last line “so dawn goes down to day” signifies a change in the poems turn. This line is stating that as dawn goes away, it’s time for the day to continue and despite the golden hue leave, the flowers falling, and grief the day will go on. Although there may be events in life that are earth shattering, such as loss, there will always be the next to day (until death obviously) to make try again or to experience something new. I love how the last line mirrors the title. “Nothing gold can stay” just again restates more clearly how many things in life that are beautiful do not last long and need to be appreciated and valued for their time is limited. This poem really puts in perspective that the simple things in life that make life so beautiful need to be cherished.[]_2560x1600_Widescreen_GreenLeaves_wallpaper_da035077f



Analysis: As I Grew Older


I believe the message of this poem is that children should not let anything or anyone get in the way of their dreams. Throughout a person’s lifetime it seems as if growing up means letting go of dreams and expectations. Over and over we hear “Oh that profession doesn’t make any money, are you sure you want to do that?,” “do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”(because likely that field isn’t hiring), “don’t waste your time pursuing that the amount of schooling and debt isn’t worth it” and many more heart breaking quotes from people. But what do these people know? Are they professional? For the most part, No, they are not professionals nor have experience in the field you want to be a part of. So why do we let these opinions get in the way of us continuing to pursue our dreams?

Langston Hughes uses imagery and metaphors to illustrate this phenomenon. The two main metaphors in the poem are the “sun” (line 5), which represents the dream and the “wall” making its first appearance in line 7 represents “realistic expectations” and societal influences. I believed the sun stands for a dream because everyone knows that the sun is so bright, sometimes even blinding which makes it hard to ignore. Its purpose is so vital to life that it can also not be forgotten. However, sometimes its importance can be taken for granted. What I mean is that do we always value the sun’s job? Or is it only on cloudy, rainy days that we take the time to acknowledge how much we need it and miss it? So just like the sun’s purpose, if not acknowledged life can pass you by while your dream sits in the corner collecting dust and waiting to be fulfilled. The wall stands for societal influences because it rises up and casts a shadow on the sun, just as money, parents, opinions and competition can cast negative light on our dreams.

He starts off the poem by stating, “ I have almost forgotten my dream” which shows how easy it is to let other things get in the way of your dreams and let a memory be forgotten. But he illustrates that you have the power to keep it alive if you acknowledge that dream by stating “But it was there then, in front of me.” He describes the wall rising as slow because the first person to make a negative statement about your dream may not affect you, but slowly but surely as the opinions role in one after another they start to chip away at your belief and self-assurance. When he says, “I am black” it shows defeat he let the wall/ society win. The light of his dream is out. Then the poem shifts, in line 21 his hands rise up and break the wall. The wall is broken and the light that was once lost shines proudly and even more bright than before. I believe the sun is brighter now because he states, “a thousand lights of the sun.” It is a common belief that you only miss something when it’s gone. So if you re lucky enough to get it back then you might appreciate it more.


Summer (Redrafted)

Sleeping with the windows open
Under the stars
Morning comes, the bright sunshine sings
Making my way to the beach, stifled by the heat, the humidity so thick it could be cut in two
Eternal, everlasting, endless, the ocean draws me in
Racing toward the water, arms spread out, dive in.tumblr_lrjkslf5sb1qfgo4ro1_500



(play the thunderstorm video with first poem and play the second video with the second poem)


Branches screech on my window

The howling wind, it growls

The sky is in limbo

Branches screech on my window

Scared I bury my head in my pillow

I hear a mocking who, must be from an owl

Branches screech on my window

The howling wind, it growls


The storm clears

The birds once again sing

The sky smiles, a rainbow appears

The storm clears

It disappeared in the atmosphere

That owl hides away in his castle like a king

The storm has now cleared

The birds continue to sing

Wasted Time

(play youtube link while reading the poem)

She watches from afar.

Sweat collects in her palms like a tiny sea.

She nervously wipes them on her jeans as

she glances around the room-STOP-

they might see her, stare at her, make fun of her.

She wants to join but it consumes her, slowly eating

and gnawing at her protective shield.

It’s as though life is a mountain and she can’t

make it to base one. She steps back and stares up at

its glory, but it intimates her. She wants it so badly

but her heart, it’s breaking. She knows times ticking,

the word is turning and she’s still sitting out.

Always sitting out.




Being a narp sucks!

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone,

not even for a million bucks.


I miss the exertion

despite the strain on my body.

Now I need a diversion.


What do I do with my free time?

Sports gave me such a high

It was like nothing could dull my shine


My strength could break steel

My confidence soared like an eagle

AH! What a feeling, it  was so unreal.

Analysis: There is Another Sky


I really enjoy this poem; her use of symbols and imagery is incredible. I can legitimately construct a different scene in my mind line by line in this poem. I believe the general meaning of this poem is about all the unknowns about heaven. Everyone has their own idea of what they believe it should be like and we all have this idea of serenity and everlasting peace. The other sky represents the sky of heaven and how it’s supposed to bright but also has its darkness, which represents death. It can be compared to a faded forest because heaven represents the memories of people that past People can be worried that once they pass people will forget all about them. But on the flipside heaven is eternal which is represented through the leaves that are evergreen and unfading. At the end when she says to her brother come into my garden I believe it means that she is telling him don’t be afraid come join me in heaven.



You’ve Got the Cutest Baby Face

Rest in Peace Nana
December 30, 1916-February 3, 2016
“You’ve got the cutest baby face,” she sang
we all stood around her, gazing at her grace.
Her mind old, but soul young
always ready to give, never take.
“You’ve got the cutest baby face”


Her smile, her sweet embrace
warmed our hearts whenever we were near.
As beautiful as a rose, as innocent as a child,
she touched the hearts of so many.
“You’ve got the cutest baby face”


“You’re a doll!”
“You’re a babe!”
He’s waiting for her.
The gates are open, sunlight streams in.
“You’ve got the cutest baby face,” she sings as she walks in.





Analysis: The Wind Blows Through the Doors of My Heart

I believe this poem is about woman who is plagued by the “death” of her relationship. Not the literal death of a spouse but the death of passion and love that once filled her relationship. I use the word plagued because I feel throughout the poem she is looking at things that used to be enjoyable and wondering what went wrong. Also her reference to bees signifies that her mind is not at ease and her wheels are constantly turning trying to figure out what went wrong (bee’s buzz AKA her mind is buzzing).

When she states “the wind through my heart” we can assume that there are holes in her heart (because wind doesn’t normally blow through someone’s heart), which is referencing some kind of heartbreak or loss. The wind blowing out her candles can signify the passion literally burning out and something that was once light and full of hope is gone and now dark. Her reference to the scattered music sheet can suggest chaos and the stripped music notes that are now flat like black butterflies can all suggest that these things were once pleasurable to the couple and are now ruined. The black butterflies especially stands out because black butterflies symbolize death and misfortune. Another symbol of death is the reference to the birds’ nest. Some people believe that birds’ nests can symbolize the link between heaven and hell because birds can fly high in the sky and also walk on ground with us. Also a bird’s nest is a home and teacups are delicate things that are usually found in a home, so the smashing of these items can mean that a place that once felt homey and full of love now does not. The mention of the rattled bed sheets where love was made can mean that at one time their relationship was filled with love and excitement and a lack of sexual spark or passion is a very common reason for failed marriages.

Her reference to brides and her mother’s trousseau is significant because brides usually symbolize pure, new and virginal, so once again I am drawn back to the idea that she’s reflecting on a time her life where her marriage was new and happy. And the fact that after she connects the sheets to brides, she then says they are crucified which symbolizes sacrifice and death. In marriages there are many sacrifices and compromises that need to be made. So specifically since she mentioned the bed sheets I feel maybe she sacrificed her sex life with her partner because of work stress, being tired, or just busy in general.

Next she talks about the flowers she threw and left for someone to pick up. Maybe once she realized her marriage was failing she tried doing little things to bring the romance back into the relationship, but her husband never noticed and by that point the marriage was already damaged. When she states “wing after wing, through the rooms of the dead the wind does not blow” I literally see her roaming through the wings of her house just looking at everything and just very sad and disheartened. Also wings can be a play on words to mean wings of the house like I just stated or the wings or the butterfly/ birds bringing the concept of death back.


At the end I feel her tone change, its starts to lift and in my opinion I can feel a sigh of relief as she is coming to terms with the reality of the situation. When she described that the wind does not blow anymore and there’s no wheezing or “choking the cob webs in our hair,” cobwebs could symbolize the fights and issues that the couple had. We know she’s talking about a couple because she purposely wrote “our hair.” Her reference that the choking and wheezing are gone could mean that right then and there is when she realized the relationship is over. People say when a woman stops nagging her husband then she stopped caring. I feel the same goes with fighting, fighting could be a form passion and shows that the couple is still trying. Once it just becomes silent and two people start living two separate lives, the relationship is indeed over. I believe this being at the end of the poem signifies that finally she realizes it’s over. When she states, “It is cool here, quiet,” she’s stating everything in her home looks different post war and it’s a new feeling for her. When she closes with “but we will never lie down again” means that she is finally ready to let go of this relationship because she realized no matter how hard she tried the relationship will never be what is once was.