

(play the thunderstorm video with first poem and play the second video with the second poem)


Branches screech on my window

The howling wind, it growls

The sky is in limbo

Branches screech on my window

Scared I bury my head in my pillow

I hear a mocking who, must be from an owl

Branches screech on my window

The howling wind, it growls


The storm clears

The birds once again sing

The sky smiles, a rainbow appears

The storm clears

It disappeared in the atmosphere

That owl hides away in his castle like a king

The storm has now cleared

The birds continue to sing

Wasted Time

(play youtube link while reading the poem)

She watches from afar.

Sweat collects in her palms like a tiny sea.

She nervously wipes them on her jeans as

she glances around the room-STOP-

they might see her, stare at her, make fun of her.

She wants to join but it consumes her, slowly eating

and gnawing at her protective shield.

It’s as though life is a mountain and she can’t

make it to base one. She steps back and stares up at

its glory, but it intimates her. She wants it so badly

but her heart, it’s breaking. She knows times ticking,

the word is turning and she’s still sitting out.

Always sitting out.




Being a narp sucks!

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone,

not even for a million bucks.


I miss the exertion

despite the strain on my body.

Now I need a diversion.


What do I do with my free time?

Sports gave me such a high

It was like nothing could dull my shine


My strength could break steel

My confidence soared like an eagle

AH! What a feeling, it  was so unreal.